Friday, September 7, 2012

Website I can use

I found a very user friendly website that will be a great tool as a school counselor.  The website is simply titled "School Counselor Resources".  This site offers a variety of guidance lesson plans that can be used to teach students about topics such as:  social responsibility, bullying, problem solving, feelings, drug awareness and careers.  The majority of these lesson plans are for elementary students.  There are also several PowerPoint prentations that can be used with the guidance lessons.  Plus, a large amount of printable forms that student counselors can use when working with students, teachers and parents.  I will use this website to access lesson plans that I can use when teaching guidance lessons.  I am currently completing my practicum at an elementary school and these guidance lessons will be age appropriate.  I also like the PowePoint presentations because they will provide as a great visual tool for the students.  This website also has several links to other websites that will be useful as well.
The link to this website is: 

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