Monday, November 26, 2012

Counseling Reflection

This has been an adventurous semester to say the least.  I think I took on my practicum during a very stressful time in my life, but I am happy to say that I did complete it!  This has by far been the greatest learning experience throughout my graduate time at Morehead State University.  I had the opportunity to work with two wonderful counselors who are devoted to their work as student counselors and truly want the best for the students.  I spent my practicum hours at an elementary school and a middle school.  Both experiences were great but they were different.
            During my time at the elementary school I was very surprised at all the duties that the counselor takes on.  She is the counselor as well as the gifted and talented teacher.  She also has many administrative duties that she performs for the school as well.  I learned that as a school counselor you have to be flexible, because you never know what the day may bring you.  Considering she was at the elementary level, she spent a good amount of time teaching guidance lessons to students.  She let me take on all the guidance lessons for the kindergarten, first and second grade classes.  This again was a great learning experience, because it has been a few years since I have been teaching in the classroom.  I also had the opportunity to individually counsel two students during my time at the elementary school.  I enjoyed my time with each of these students and feel they quickly learned that I was someone they could trust.  Communication came fairly easy with one student because she was very open with me, but I had to take more time to get to know the second student before he would communicate as much.  I quickly learned that he enjoyed playing board games, so we would play those while I talked to him.  I found that this helped him to open up to me and communicate more.  It made me feel good when he told me that his day was better after getting to meet with me.
     My time at the middle school was a different experience than my time at the elementary school.  While I was at the middle school, I was surprised at how many students the counselor has in and out of her office each day.  I found that I really looked forward to going there because I knew that each day I was there I would get to meet with several students and you never knew what situation you may be dealt with from them.  The counselor that I worked with had a great relationship with the students, so it was obvious at how much they trusted her.  I spent the majority of my time there listening to her counsel students and assisting her as well.  There were days that my heart broke for some of these students and the situations that they were dealing with at home or school.  I learned that as a counselor at a school you also have to deal with problems that arise in the classroom that need you to take on an assertive role.  I was listening to the counselor talk to a student who was getting in trouble in class and he was caught in a lie.  She handled the situation with confidence and enough sternness that the student knew that lying to her was unacceptable. 
            I think the thing that surprised me the most about myself through this experience was how much I miss working with students.  I have been staying at home with my two daughters for almost four years now, but I am ready to be back in the schools with students.  I have a genuine concern for children and I was reminded of that throughout this experience.  I feel that I have gained more confidence throughout this practicum experience.  I was definitely nervous about getting in the classrooms and individually counseling students but with experience it became easier.  I feel that I realize now just how important it is to have a great relationship with all the students, so that they feel comfortable in coming to talk to you. 

1 comment:

  1. I will have to agree that this has been the most productive course I have taken in my graduate studies in counseling. Actually being able to get a firsthand view of what actually goes on in the typical work day for counselors at two different levels has been a wonderful experience. I feel like I have gained so much by interacting with students at two extremes of the educational spectrum -- elementary and high school students. It has been a wonderful learning experience for me.
